Pre-Nougat versions of Android generally require one swipe down to see notifications and a second swipe down to reveal the Quick Settings. There’s not a whole lot to work with here, given that there are only three themes that are very slight variations on each other. Under the Notification Panel menu, you can change how the notification panel looks when you pull down from the status bar. If it fails to pick the right color for an app, or you just what something a little different, you can set custom colors for every individual app under App List. It automatically matches the status bar to the exact same color as the action bar (that’s what Google calls the solid color bar at the top of most apps). However, I’m a big fan of the flat theme, which looks like this: By default, it’s set to Lollipop, which is what you’re seeing above. Under Theme, you have four options: Lollipop, Gradient, Dark Gradient, and Flat. But first, to activate the app, make sure the toggle in the upper right corner is turned on, as shown below. The main menu of the app has a few options, so let’s run through them. You’ve made it! You successfully set up the app. Toggle on the switch in the upper right and then tap allow.Īnd finally, return back to the app again using your back button and select Write. Next, use your back button to return to the Material Status Bar app and select Notifications.